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Gene Larew 4.25" Biffle Bug

Gene Larew


$6.49 Sale price

THe Gene Larew Biffle Bug incorperates the best features of several top baits into one compact design. The Biffle Bugs body is slim yet wide, and covered with compact design. The Biffle Bugs body is slim yet wide, and covered with concentric ridges. The first 3/4 inch of the biffle Bug is solid for hook support, While the rest of its body is hollow like a tube. The cavity is oval, not round, better fitting the shape of the body and also serving to hold a rattle in place simply through natural compression. The Biffle Bugs hyper-sctive swimming legs feature a special foot pad to make them come alive with the slightst movement
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Regular price $6.49
THe Gene Larew Biffle Bug incorperates the best features of several top baits into one compact design. The Biffle Bugs body is slim yet wide, and covered with compact design. The Biffle Bugs body is slim yet wide, and covered with concentric ridges. The first 3/4 inch of the biffle Bug is solid for hook support, While the rest of its body is hollow like a tube. The cavity is oval, not round, better fitting the shape of the body and also serving to hold a rattle in place simply through natural compression. The Biffle Bugs hyper-sctive swimming legs feature a special foot pad to make them come alive with the slightst movement
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