Falcon Lowrider Casting Rods

Falcon Rods


$129.99 Sale price

When first introduced in 1995, Falcon’s LowRider series defied convention by using small, single-footed, rod guides. These guides also sat lower, resting much closer to the blank. Compared to other rods of similar length, there were also more guides. These much smaller, more numerous, guides worked to limit line slap and friction up the entire length of the rod, resulting in longer casts. The “low-profile” rod was born. Today, the term “low-profile rod” is almost cliche. Once we started the revolution, imitators followed. But, when it comes to quality, capability, and innovation, our totally revamped LowRider Series still leads the way.
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Regular price $129.99
When first introduced in 1995, Falcon’s LowRider series defied convention by using small, single-footed, rod guides. These guides also sat lower, resting much closer to the blank. Compared to other rods of similar length, there were also more guides. These much smaller, more numerous, guides worked to limit line slap and friction up the entire length of the rod, resulting in longer casts. The “low-profile” rod was born. Today, the term “low-profile rod” is almost cliche. Once we started the revolution, imitators followed. But, when it comes to quality, capability, and innovation, our totally revamped LowRider Series still leads the way.
We are currently adding new product daily! Have a specific question? Please call 501-834-5733!