Owner Twistlock Flipping Hook Strong Shank



$6.99 Sale price

The Twistlock Flipping Hook is a revolutionary new flipping hook. While traditional flipping hooks have straight shanks and tedious methods of securing bait heads to the shank, the TFH takes this category to a whole new level. With the patent pending CPS (Centering Pin Spring), baits can be rigged quickly and perfectly straight with no extra modifications needed, and the CPS holding power is second to none.

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Regular price $6.99

The Twistlock Flipping Hook is a revolutionary new flipping hook. While traditional flipping hooks have straight shanks and tedious methods of securing bait heads to the shank, the TFH takes this category to a whole new level. With the patent pending CPS (Centering Pin Spring), baits can be rigged quickly and perfectly straight with no extra modifications needed, and the CPS holding power is second to none.

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